How to Organize a Children’s Party at Home

Birthday parties are part of family traditions. This is a time in every person’s life where he or she gets to celebrate it with people close to his or her heart. It is also a perfect time to gather family, friends, and relatives. Just spend time together, have fun, dine together, drink together, and be merry. Regardless of the venue, the most important thing about parties is the bond it creates among the people and the happy memories it leaves to everyone. Check also this: Comparison of popcorn machines

planning 1

Planning your own child’s party is a mixture of fun, excitement, hard work, and stress! It’s a totally different thing when someone does it for you. But are you willing to pay for an event organizer? When you decide to do it by yourself, determining where to start is really challenging. Don’t worry, we all go through that. But always remember that it’s the element of our effort that makes the event extra special. Somehow, it adds a little twist if the party will be held at your own home. Nowadays, some people prefer hosting their parties in a hotel or restaurant, but that entails huge spending. For practicality’s sake, it is preferable to host your child’s birthday party in the comfort of your own home. This will make things easy to access, but would still require you to exert a little effort.

There are a few considerations when you are organizing a children’s party at your own place, like the number of guests (depends on the capacity of your place), the best time of the day to hold it, and what food to prepare. You better start making a checklist of the things you need to accomplish. To help you with the planning, here are a few tips on how to organize a children’s party in the comfort of your own home.



This is the first thing to do. Throwing a kids’ party would make you spend some bucks from your savings, but let’s make spending worthwhile by writing down everything you might need for the party, from food to decorations, freebies, and all. If you are aspiring for a budget-friendly party for kids, start looking for suppliers that would offer cheaper price. It also adds fun when you yourself explore stores that sell party needs at very affordable costs. Always keep in mind that you have a budget plan to follow to avoid buying unnecessary stuff. You will find that every dollar you spend goes to the right items. Having a fixed budget will let you sort which are important and which are not. Spend within your means because tomorrow is yet to be prepared for.



Planning ahead will save you a lot of stress. Create a to-do list that includes your schedule on visiting the cake house to order your little one’s birthday cake and cupcakes or the souvenir shop to look for giveaways for your guests. Plot it also on when to send the invitations, to do the packing of candy loot bags, and to do the groceries. Doing all this stuff in advance gives you enough time to polish things to make the party a success. Start planning at least a month to avoid cramming. Check your to-do list from time to time to track your progress and determine the unfinished tasks. It would be better if you organize them from the most important to the least important ones. Better create an effective timeline if you don’t want to look haggard during your little one’s birthday party.

Ask for your family members’ help in the preparation so that you share the excitement with them, plus you would not have to do it all by yourself. You may want to ask for help in delivering the invitations, or in picking up items or food you have ordered. Those simple tasks will make things lighter. Remember, cooking is the most exhausting part so you better save some energy!

These party timeline resources will definitely ease your stress:

See also  13 Best Party Places for Your Kids' Birthday


meal plan

Kids will be delighted to see your candy buffet table and gobble up everything sumptuous in their sight. However, you might also prepare tasty yet nutritious snacks for them, like fruit bars, slices of fresh fruits, and smoothies. Be sure to prepare these in bite sizes so kids would not have to slice or cut them into smaller bites. A better way to prepare the menu is to make a separate meal plan for the children and the adults, since kids have a different taste for food. Think of party food that children will absolutely like and prepare them in platters. Set up a separate buffet table for the adults as well.

A suggestion would be to prepare light snacks for your guests, like popcorn or nuts, so they have something to munch on as they wait for the program to start. An ice cream station or free-flowing drinks would be a nice idea, too, to satisfy early birds in your party.

You might find these resources useful in creating your own meal plan:


This is the fun part. Children would love to come to parties wearing costumes, and picking a cute theme for your child’s birthday makes it even more interesting. You may ask your little one what theme he or she would like for his/her party, or if your child is not of age to decide, think of a theme that is colorful and vibrant. This adds up a joyful ambiance to the event.


In choosing a theme, you may check sites that feature kids’ party themes. Once you have decided on a theme, look for suppliers where you can find all the stuff you would need, like balloons, table centerpieces, party hats, freebies, candy loot bags, and even invitation cards. Choose a cute costume for the birthday celebrant. If your budget allows, you and your partner may also wear costumes too. (What a cute family!) Start looking for party hats, plates, paper cups, and candy bags that match the theme of your choice. It makes it a lot easier when you have a theme to follow.

Check out these pages and you’ll surely find the best theme that suits your child.


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To make your party fun and interactive, make a plan of activities for the kids and the guests. Plot the games to play during the party, and think ahead of the props and prizes for each game. Involve the adults in some of the games too. This will be a good bonding moment between the children and their parents. Plot the sequence of activities accordingly, including the blowing of the candle, games, giving of birthday wishes. Make sure that each segment is not too long that the guests would be bored.

If you want, involve other kids to sing and dance for a special number just to add to the entertainment. You may also add a magic show to capture kids’ attention (as well as the adults.) You may also want to plan for preliminary activities for kids, like print coloring pages and prepare sets of crayons on the kids’ tables to keep them busy as they wait for the program to start.

Here are some relevant resources that might help you create the program easier:


memorable 1

You would want to keep memories of your child’s birthday party, and so plan to have your event documented. If you have a camera, then take videos and pictures as much as you can. Another way to keep mementos is to set up a photo booth where guests can also enjoy having their photos taken (plus they get to take home a souvenir photo, too!).

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If your budget would still allow, hire somebody to document the event, like a photographer or videographer. But if you want to save money, you may just ask a relative or a family member to do it for you, since you will also be busy with the other details of the party. Print out your pictures and create a photo album or a scrapbook out of them. You may also want to have your video edited so you would have something to reminisce on a few years later.


Allot a time to prepare the prizes for your kid’s guests. Pack the candy loot bags at least two days before the event. You may also want to give away small yet useful items like erasers, pencils, mini notebooks, picture books, colored pens, and the like. Most kids would be very motivated and competitive to join the games when they know they have a prize to receive, so you might as well prepare good items to reward their participation and enthusiasm.

We’ve listed top three best loot bags that you might want to consider.

Table could not be displayed.

Dekero gift bag is the best choice since it offers a wide variety of designs for an affordable price.

We’ve also listed assorted that you might want to fill your loot bags and distribute to your kids.

Best Choice
HUGE Assorted Candy PARTY MIX BOX 6.50...
61tYdJ4 5qL
Assorted Candy Variety Mix 3.6 Lbs -...
HUGE Assorted Candy PARTY MIX BOX 6.50...
Assorted Candy Variety Mix 3.6 Lbs -...
Price not available
Price not available
Price not available
Over 250 individually wrapped candies that will be loved by kids of all ages.
Over 200 individually wrapped candy, each gift box has around 12 different old-fashioned candies.
A fun mix of sweet favorites, 3.6 pounds of variety fun candy.
Best Choice
HUGE Assorted Candy PARTY MIX BOX 6.50...
HUGE Assorted Candy PARTY MIX BOX 6.50...
Price not available
Over 250 individually wrapped candies that will be loved by kids of all ages.
More Information
61tYdJ4 5qL
Price not available
Over 200 individually wrapped candy, each gift box has around 12 different old-fashioned candies.
More Information
Assorted Candy Variety Mix 3.6 Lbs -...
Assorted Candy Variety Mix 3.6 Lbs -...
Price not available
A fun mix of sweet favorites, 3.6 pounds of variety fun candy.
More Information

Huge Assorted mix box is the best option since it contains more than 250 assorted candies that the kids will love.

We’ve also include some candies that you may want to add on your list.

M&M'S Original & Peanut, SNICKERS & TWIX...
JOLLY RANCHER Assorted Fruit Flavored...
Brach's Kiddie Mix Variety Pack...
M&M'S Original & Peanut, SNICKERS & TWIX...
JOLLY RANCHER Assorted Fruit Flavored...
Brach's Kiddie Mix Variety Pack...
Price not available
Price not available
Contains one (1) 33.9-ounce, 60-piece bag of Fun Size M&M'S Milk Chocolate Candy, Peanut M&M'S Candy, TWIX Candy and SNICKERS Chocolate Bars.
Includes 1 (1) 5 pound bag of Jolly Rancher Original Hard Candy.
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M&M'S Original & Peanut, SNICKERS & TWIX...
M&M'S Original & Peanut, SNICKERS & TWIX...
Price not available
Contains one (1) 33.9-ounce, 60-piece bag of Fun Size M&M'S Milk Chocolate Candy, Peanut M&M'S Candy, TWIX Candy and SNICKERS Chocolate Bars.
More Information
JOLLY RANCHER Assorted Fruit Flavored...
JOLLY RANCHER Assorted Fruit Flavored...
Includes 1 (1) 5 pound bag of Jolly Rancher Original Hard Candy.
More Information
Brach's Kiddie Mix Variety Pack...
Brach's Kiddie Mix Variety Pack...
Price not available
More Information

It is also a thing when your guests take home souvenirs from the party. be it a picture from the photo booth, a cute mug with a Thank You note, a ref magnet with your child’s photo, or even a simple pen with a note wrapped around it will do.

Here are some of ideal souvenirs that you could give to your guests.


It is also important that you have an event host to keep your party organized. Event hosts may or may not be as expensive as you would expect. Sometimes, all it takes is to ask a family member or friend to do it for you so you also save money. Just make sure your host gets a copy of your program at least a day or two before the date of the event, so that he or she also knows how to carry it out.


Since you will be hosting the party, you might as well have a team to help you with the food preparation. It will be your family members’ or friends’ pleasure to give you a hand. Cooking the food may be one exhausting part, but it is also fun, especially when you got people who love to cook.

You may also pre-order food just to save you all the effort in cooking. Contact people who cook or bake, or a catering service. There is always a person from your circle that bakes or cooks for a business, so you may want to try out his or her delicacy.


enjoy the moment

All the party preparations could make you feel exhausted, but keep in mind that your goal is to make your child feel special on his or her big day! Never mind if the program didn’t go the way you expect it, or the tables to be organized, or if the decorations fell off. Hey, that’s part of reality! What’s important is that everyone enjoyed. It’s the experience that counts. Smile, laugh, and savor every second of it, because your little one won’t be little forever. Don’t mind the pile of dishes or the after-party mess. That’s part of it! Enjoy the moment!

Once you’re done with all this, you will see that the next time you organize a party, it will be a whole lot easier! You may want to offer help to others who are planning to host a party, too. Your ideas will surely be of help. As the saying goes, “Experience is the best teacher.” Good luck on your event!

Last update on 2024-07-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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