How to Play Tag with Your Kids

Tag is a classic game that kids of all ages can enjoy. It is simple, fun, and active, and it can be played indoors or outdoors with little or no equipment. Tag is also a great way to develop your kids’ physical skills, social skills, and creativity. In this post, we will show you how to play tag with your kids, and give you some variations and tips to make it more exciting.

Materials Needed to Play Tag

To play tag, you don’t need any special materials. All you need is:

    • A group of kids (at least three, but the more the merrier)
    • A safe and spacious area to run around (such as a backyard, a playground, or a gym)
    • Optional: some props or markers to create boundaries or obstacles (such as cones, ropes, chairs, etc.)

Instructions to Play Tag

The basic rules of tag are:

    • One kid is chosen to be “it”. This kid has to chase and tag (touch) the other kids.
    • The other kids have to run away from the kid who is “it” and avoid being tagged.
    • If a kid is tagged by the kid who is “it”, they either become “it” themselves or they are out of the game (depending on the variation you are playing).
    • The game continues until everyone is tagged or out of the game, or until a time limit is reached.

To start the game, you can either choose one kid to be “it” by random or by using a method such as rock-paper-scissors. Alternatively, you can have all the kids run away from a designated spot while the kid who is “it” counts to a certain number before chasing them.

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Benefits of  Playing  Tag

Tag is not only fun, but also beneficial for your kids in many ways. Some of the benefits are:

    • It teaches them how to cooperate, communicate, and negotiate with others.
    • It stimulates their imagination and creativity by allowing them to create their own rules and scenarios.
    • It helps them release their energy and emotions in a positive way.
    • It fosters their social skills and friendships by encouraging them to interact with others.

Game Variations

One of the best things about tag is that you can easily modify it to suit your kids’ preferences, abilities, and interests. There are countless variations of tag that you can try with your kids. Here are some examples:

    • Freeze Tag: When a kid is tagged by the kid who is “it”, they have to freeze in place until another kid unfreezes them by touching them or crawling under their legs
    • Octopus Tag: When a kid is tagged by the kid who is “it”, they have to stay where they are and help the kid who is “it” tag others by stretching out their arms
    • Blob Tag: When a kid is tagged by the kid who is “it”, they have to join hands with them and form a blob. The blob grows as more kids are tagged and join hands. The blob can split into smaller blobs when it reaches a certain size
    • Zombie Tag: When a kid is tagged by the kid who is “it”, they become a zombie and have to walk slowly with their arms outstretched. They can tag other kids and turn them into zombies too
    • Animal Tag: When a kid is tagged by the kid who is “it”, they have to act like an animal (such as a dog, a cat, or a monkey) until another kid tags them and frees them
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Related Links

If you want to learn more about tag games for kids, here are some links that you might find useful:

• 30 Fun Tag Game Variations Kids Love To Play – WeAreTeachers

• 21 Super Fun Tag Games (For Kids & For PE) – IcebreakerIdeas

• 22 Tag Games For Kids – The Ultimate Guide – Early Impact Learning

We hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. Tag is a wonderful game that you can play with your kids anytime and anywhere. Have fun and stay active

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