free rsvp tool for kids parties

New Free RSVP Tool for Kids’ Parties

Get this free RSVP tool

Organizing a party can be stressful and tiring. The planning and the preparations will really drain your energy. Partituki and friends are here to help you lessen your load by providing a free online RSVP. You can create your event in just minutes, send to your guests, and receive confirmation. Invitation, check! Task accomplished without spending too much time and penny.

RSVP tool

What is an online RSVP? 

An online RSVP is a paperless invitation that you can create and send among your guests at the comfort of your home via your computer or cellphone. It is being offered for free so you don’t have to worry that it will cost you extra. This will save you from the hassle of preparing and making a physical invitation, which you will need to distribute one by one. You are also helping the environment by going paperless.

What are Main Features of Partituki’s Online RSVP Tool?

features new
  • Completely Free. The use of Partituki’s RSVP online tool is completely free for everybody. Create as many events as you want without spending any penny.
  • Easy to Understand. Questions and needed details are simple, easy to understand, and direct. Your kids can even do it for you.
  • Easy Navigation. The pages are easy to navigate so users can focus on the creation of their RSVPs instead of discovering how it works. A total stress-free for everyone.
  • Freebies Included. Your kids will surely enjoy the freebies that we offer. It includes a maze and spot the difference puzzles and coloring sheets.
  • Event Dashboard. Showcases an event dashboard so you can easily manage your created RSVP. It has different tabs and functions like a pictures tab and comments tab.

What are the main tabs and section of Event Dashboard?

Email Settings: If you check those options, you will be notified if someone uploaded pictures or commented. For hosts, they will also be notified if a guest signed up. This will keep you up-to-date about the event.

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Party Information and Map Locator: This is where the host and the guests can see the details of the event. The map will help the guests find the venue easily.

Mikees birthday event infi

Add Event Tab: Both the host and guest can create their events using the same account. Everyone is allowed to create as many events as they want, for free. Just click the Add Event on the upper right of the dashboard. You can track all your events through the Events tab.

add event 2 1

Other Features Depending on the Host’s Choice

Picture tab: This is where the host and the guest can upload photos of the event. Click Choose File or Browse and you’ll be redirected to your computer files. Select the photos you want to share and upload as many pictures as you want.

Picture tab with pic 1

Comment tab: This is where the host can exchange comments with his/her guests. The host can post any announcements before the party or guests can make some questions and/or clarifications. You can also exchange thank you’s after the party.

comments tab 2

Guest List: This is automatically updated once guests confirmed their attendance. This will give everyone an idea on how many kids, parents, and friends will attend the event.

Guest List Guest
Guest List for Guests. The Add Guest Button is not available for guests.
Guest List NEw
Guest List for Host: You can add guest manually using the Add Guest button.

Features Exclusively for Hosts

Edit Details: This is where the host can edit the information of his/her event.

edit details 1

Web Address Section: This is where the host can get the web address of the event. Copy and send it to the guests via email, sms, messenger, etc.

web address 3

How to Get Started for Host?

1. Go to and click Create your event. 

Create Button

2. Fill out the needed information. Make sure to input the correct details to avoid confusion among your guests. Those question marks will give you a hint of what you need to input.

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Sign Up Page 7

3. More information needed. We just want to make sure that you are ready for extra guests. We also want to protect your privacy.

Need More Details

4. Sign Up. This is a one-time registration. You need to input your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Password. Do not forget to check the box beside the Accept our privacy policy. Using your log in details, you can track the progress of your event and edit details. You can also use it to create new events.

Sign Up page 2 1

5. Check and/or edit your event. Once you’ve signed up, you will be redirected to the Event Dashboard where you can see the event you’ve created. Click the “Edit Details” tab if you want to change some information you input on Steps 2 and 3.

dashboard host

6. Copy the web address and send it to your guests via email, messenger, sms, etc. Do not forget to send your customize security code along with the web address so your guests can access it. Every event have different web address.

web address 3

7. And you’re done! All you have to do is wait for your guests’ confirmation.

You can check your dashboard once in a while to see updates. Make sure to check the email settings on your dashboard so we can notify and update you via email regarding your event’s progress.

How to get Started for Guests?

1. Go to the web address sent to you by the event’s host. You will be directed to a Sign Up page. The security code will be given by the event’s host.

sign up for guest 1

2. Click Sign Up. You will then be redirected to the event dashboard where you can see the details of the event. This is an standard event dashboard for guests without the additional features approved by the host.

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standard dashboard for guest

Here’s how an event dashboard look if the additional features are included.

Guest List Dashboard Complete

3. Submit. Once you’re done answering all the necessary information on the Attendance Confirmation section, click submit and your attendance is already counted.

4. Your attendance is already counted. All you need to do is mark your calendar and be ready to party.

Basically, if the host allowed everything else to be shown on the guest’s dashboard, there will be 3 elements that cannot be included in the guest’s dashboard.

  • Edit Details tab: Only the host can edit the details about the event.
  • Web Address section: Only host can see the web address, which will be sent to the guests.
  • Add Guest option: Only the host can edit the guest list.

Things to Remember:

  • As a host, you need to Sign-up so you can track your events, get the web address of your event, and add more events.
  • You need to answer pertinent information to guide your guests accordingly.
  • Use your most active email address so you’ll keep track of your event.
  • Input the complete address of the venue, especially if you’re not going to hold it at your house. This will help your guest find it easily.
  • As a guest, you also need to sign-up to get the information about the event and confirm your attendance. This will also allow you to create your own events.
  • If parents will be attending also, make sure to input how many will attend. This will help the host anticipate the total number of guests.
  • If the host also allows you to bring along friends, do not forget to indicate how many will be joining.

If you have any questions or clarifications, feel free to contact us and we would be more than happy to assist you. 

Get this free RSVP tool

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