Are you a professional in the party sector: party organizers, planners and entertainers, restaurants and party venues, balloon twisting experts, show artists…? You will always have a 30% discount for all your purchases.
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(34) 93 303 68 70
Camà del Mig 69
08302 Mataró
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Our company was founded in 1994. PartitukiⓇ is an international brand specialized in products for children’s parties and children’s leisure items. Partituki sells its products in the main European markets (Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain…) and in the United States.
Camà del Mig 69
08302 Mataró (Barcelona)
(34) 93 303 68 70
More than 200.000 clients since 1994

To exercise our activity internationally, we are registered in:
Germany, VAT number: DE320115644
Spain, VAT number: B60678760
France, VAT number: FR09841785884
Italy, VAT number: IT00216809996
Poland, VAT number: PL5263236234
United Kingdom, VAT number: GB304123363
Czech Republic, VAT number: CZ684635032
European trademark: 017937492
US Trademark: 88733111Â
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