Help for Host

1.1 Go to and click Create your free event.

1.2 Fill out the needed information.

These are the basic information about your event.

Date of the Event: The proposed date of the event you’re creating.

Start time: The start time of the event.

Event Place: Input the exact place where you will hold the event.

Name Your Event: Enter the name of the event you’re creating (e.g. Mikee’s 1st Birthday).

Upload an image of your event:  Upload an image of your event that your guests will see online once they receive your RSVP. Click “Browse” so you can choose from your files on your computer. Image is optional.

1.3 Answer the additional needed information.

You need to answer the following questions so you can estimate the total number of guests you’ll be expecting as well as determine which other features you’d like to include for your guests.

Are Parents Invited? If yes, how many?: You can select No, 1, or 2. This will indicate if parents can come to your party.

Can guests bring Friends?: Select if the guests can tag along other members of the family or their friends. If yes, assign the maximum allowable number.

Create a picture page?: Select Yes if you want to create a picture page. This is where you can post your event’s photos. You can also allow your guests to share their best shots by selecting the User and Guest option.

Create a comments page?: Select Yes if you want to create a comments page for your RSVP. If you opt to have a comments page, you can make some announcements before the party, the guests can ask questions plus you can send your thank you notes and comments after the party.

Do you want the guests to see the guest list?: Select Yes if you want your guests to see how many and who will be coming to the party.

Security Code – Enter your preferred security code for your RSVP. Guest will use this security code to log into your event

Preferred Language – select your preferred language (English, Spanish, French, Italian, or German).

1.4 Sign Up.

You need to provide some basic information to sign up.

First Name: Enter your first name

Last Name: Enter your last name

Email Address: Enter your active email address

Password: Enter your preferred password

Confirm Password: Re-enter your password

Accept our privacy policy: Check the box once you’ve read our privacy policy

1.5 Check and Edit Your Event Dashboard.

Once you click Sign Up, you will be redirected to your dashboard where you can edit your event and track your guests.

1.6 Copy the web address and send it to your guests via email, sms, messenger, etc.

Web address is different per event so make sure to send the correct event and security code to your guests.


Event Dashboard Features

Picture tab: This is where you can upload photos of the events.

Comment tab: This is where you can exchange comments with your guests.

Edit Details: This is where you can edit the information of your event.

Email Setting: Email notification option, which will send you notifications if someone uploaded photos, commented, or a guest signed up.

Web address section: This is where you will get the web address that you will send to your guests.

Party Information and Map Locator: This is where you and your guests can see the details of your event.

Guest List: This is where you can see how many kids, parents, and friends will attend. This is automatically updated once a guest confirmed his/her attendance.

Add Event: This is where you can create another event.

Events: This is where you can track all the events you’ve created.


Help for Guests

2.1 Go to the web address given by the host and fill out the needed information.

You need to provide some basic information to sign up.

First Name: Enter your first name

Last Name: Enter your last name

Email Address: Enter your active email address

Security Code: Enter the code given by the event’s host

Password: Enter your preferred password

Confirm Password: Re-enter your password

Accept our privacy policy: Check the box once you’ve read our privacy policy

2.2 Click Sign Up.

Once everything is answered, click Sign Up. You will then be redirected to the event dashboard where you can see the details of the event.

2.3 Answer the necessary information then click submit.

Name: It is automatically written once you signed up.

Will You Assist?: You can answer it with a Yes, No, I Don’t Know. You must indicate your decision so the event’s host can count your attendance.

How Many Parents?: This means that parents are also invited. You can answer it with 0, 1, 2.

How Many Friends?: This means that the host allows you to tag along some friends. Input the number of friends you will tag along. A message will pop-out if you input a number that is more than the maximum allowable number set by the host.

Event Dashboard Features

Picture tab: This is where you can upload photos of the events.

Comment tab: This is where you can exchange comments with the host and other guests.

Email Setting: Email notification option, which will send you notifications if someone uploaded photos or commented.

Party Information and Map Locator: This is where you can see the details of the event.

Guest List: This is where you can see how many kids, parents, and friends will attend.

Add Event: This is where you can create your own event/s.

Events: This is where you can track all the events you’ve created.

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